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    Blog Archive

    Monday, December 29, 2008

    Happy New Year to all ..

    It's been a great year of shooting...alhamdulillah I learnt much this year where shooting is concerned and there's still much more to learn..I'm really looking forward for next year insyaAllah..I have much in store..I would like to thank my wife for all the help she has contributed the past years...she has been my best critic and support...we have also upgraded some of our gear...as always ever since day one we have always laid emphasis on using the very best gear we can afford for the business because I strongly believe in investing such things as it will further contribute to taking better photo's...the 'tool' is also important and of course most importantly still is the photographer...anyway have a wonderful new year ahead..by the way for those who have inquired for the Photography lessons pls email me instead at qippy@qippy.com instead I only receive phone calls and sms's...heheh...


    About This Blog

    Hi Guys and Girls..welcome to my blog..I decided to make a blog simply because I guess its the 'in' thing to have nowadays...it seems that people today love blogs because it allows them to dive deeper into the extra activities and realities of the person who writes them,a kinda reality show if I may say so..hehehe..anyway in this blog I intend to share my love of Photography..so there will be lots of experimental shots used here...thanks for tuning in to Qippy.com Photography Blog...

    For any inquiries please call or sms me on :

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