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    Blog Archive

    Monday, November 10, 2008

    Garage Sale...Phew...

    Hi, been busy selling Hotdogs in my Aunt's garage sale last weekend..me and my cousins joined forces to do a garage sale..there were cloths,book,electronics,handbags etc on sale there...I was quite amused at how popular my hotdogs were selling amongst the kids especially hehehe,that weekend I was even given a new name by the kids...aptly I was no longer known as Uncle Naqib but Uncle Hotdog or Hotdog man was the new names bestowed on me...heheh..I humbly accepted this new responsibility and kept in my mind these versus 'with great power comes great responsibility' (ring a bell folks?heheh)...all right then..thats my post for the moment...


    About This Blog

    Hi Guys and Girls..welcome to my blog..I decided to make a blog simply because I guess its the 'in' thing to have nowadays...it seems that people today love blogs because it allows them to dive deeper into the extra activities and realities of the person who writes them,a kinda reality show if I may say so..hehehe..anyway in this blog I intend to share my love of Photography..so there will be lots of experimental shots used here...thanks for tuning in to Qippy.com Photography Blog...

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